About B01 / 紹介

私たちは、国内外で経験を持つ、バイリンガルな一級建築士事務所でもあります。専門性の高い建築およびアーバンデザインを提供しており、その業務は、コンセプト企画、コンサルティング、基本設計、実施設計、施工監理、現場管理など多岐にわたります。緻密な分析、プロセス、創造に揺るぎないコミットメントを貫くという姿勢を大事にしています。 東京のデザインスタジオから世界に向けて、建築、都市空間、インテリア、そして空間に関連するあらゆる要素や想像をデザインしています。

B01 is an integrated full-service transdisciplinary design practice deeply rooted in architecture. 
Our approach and works refuse to be contained within dualistic systems, and aim to create new relationships, spatiality and identities with the world we live in. From idea to realization, we consider and give careful thought to everything, from the micro to the macro. In an increasingly complex world, our multifaceted approach is dedicated to providing boundary-less, timeless, and limitless design possibilities for the present and future.
We are also a bilingual, first-class architectural firm with experiences both in Japan and overseas. We provide highly specialized architectural and urban design services, and our work ranges from conceptualization, consulting, schematic, design development, construction documentation, supervision, and site management. We are committed to meticulous analysis, process, and synthesis. From our design studios in Tokyo to the World, we design architecture, urban spaces, interiors, all manifestations of spatial elements and imagination.

Bureau’s process and expertise

Story behind B01 / B01の背景 

2014年に創設された個人事業「bureau0-1」は、2018年に「Bureau 0–1株式会社」(通称=B01)として改組されました。国境や社会の垣根、現存する固定概念や価値評価の基準に捉われないアーキテクチャー、 都市や未来思考的デザインなどを創造・想像する為に始められたプラクティス(鍛錬の場)です。「 bureau0-1」の”bureau”とは、一卓の書き物机または官省局を意味します。これから創造・想像してゆくもののスケールの幅を彷彿させる意味もありますが、創設時に作業机一卓から始まったこのプラクティスをゆくゆくはより広域に影響を及ぼすものにしたいという意志が込められています。”0-1”は、無から有を生み出すことです。”0”という記号には、歴史や文脈を鑑みつつも、いままでに無い新しいプロトタイプを創造するという意味が含まれています。元来、アーキテクチャーには多面的な意味が内包されていました。ひとつの職種を示す言葉ではなく、文化、社会、芸術、工学から哲学など様々な分野を横断する思考そのものを指す言葉だったのです。二十一世紀に必要とされている新しい社会の在り方と文化創造を新しい思考で提案していくことが重要です。その目的の為には、出版から建築、研究や実践を問わず、現代の精神を探り、多種多様な形で顕していきます。

Once a sole proprietor "bureau0-1", founded in 2014, was reorganized as "Bureau 0-1, Inc." (aka B01) in 2018.
The practice began with a vision to create and imagine architecture, urban, and speculative designs that are not bound by borders, social norms, established concepts nor simplistic standards of value evaluation. The word "bureau" in bureau 0-1 derives from a small desk or, on another hand, a government agency. It reminds us of the humble beginning of where we started, as well as the aspirations to create and imagine across different scales. The term also subsumes our collective will to make this practice, which began with a single desk, to eventually affect a wider territoriality. “0-1" stands for creating something from nothing. The symbol "0" has the meaning of creating a new prototype that has never existed before, while taking into account its history and context.
Originally, the word architecture had a multifaceted meaning. It is not a word that indicated a single occupation, but rather a word that referred to the way of thinking that crossed various fields such as culture, society, art, engineering, and philosophy. We recognize the importance of new ways of thinking, new ideas, in order to propose a societal and cultural creation necessary for a better future. In order to achieve this goal, we simultaneously analyze as well as challenge the zeitgeist, at times, and will attempt to manifest it in a variety of ways, from publishing to architecture, research and practice, and whatever form that may come our way.

Architecture License Registration, Tokyo No. 66016
Registered Supervising Architect, MLITT No. 349340

一級建築士登録番号:東京都知事登録 第66016号
管理建築士登録番号:国土交通大臣登録 第349340号

Honors & Recognitions / 受賞

2020 | Good Design Award for J-WAVE Inc. Branding | グッドデザイン賞
2019 | Good Design Award for Toppan HQ “Aurora” | グッドデザイン賞 凸版本社ショールームデザイン
2018 | Richard Rogers Fellow | リチャード・ロジャース・フェロー賞

Publications / 出版

06/2023 | author | "Japan Re-Natured" | Contemporary Perspectives on Architectural Organicism | Routledge
02/2021 | author | "Arboreal Artifice" | The Architecture Review
06/2020 | featured project | “Intelligent Logistics Center PROTO” | 新建築 Shinkenchiku
01/2020 | interview on Aurora | winter issue | Tempology, vol. 8 | Tempology Future Systems Organization Press
10/2019 | featured | “Empty Monuments” | Harvard GSD
07/2019 | author | "Footprints in Time" | The Architecture Review
06/2019 | interview | spring issue | Tempology, vol. 7 | Tempology Future Systems Organization Press
01/2019 | essay contributor | Housing in Modern Asian Context: Tokyo and Taipei | Tamkang University Press
10/2018 | interview with Kuma Kengo | fall issue | Tempology, vol. 5 | Tempology Future Systems Organization Press
08/2018 | featured project | Daiwa House Group: Architectural Design Works | 新建築 Shinkenchiku
07/2018 | interview | GA Japan | magazine issue #153
04/2018 | featured | Frontpage | 日刊建設工業新聞 Daily Engineering&Construction
2017 issue | co-author | “The Society of Insatiable Consumption” | Dichotomy #23 | University of Detroit Mercy
10/2017 | featured | 新建築 Shinkenchiku
07/2016 | author | "Bold, impressive and immense" | The Architecture Review
01/2016 | interview | GA Japan 138
01/2016 | featured | 新建築 Shinkenchiku