Villa K


長野県 | Nagano Prefecture
別荘 | Residential Villa Project
完成 | Status: Completed

Villa K, 2023

Villa K is located deep in the mountains of Nagano, where a primeval beech forest grows thickly. This area is famous for its heavy snowfall and is one of the best ski resort areas in Japan. This villa is a snow lodge created precisely for such heavy snowfall to survive the subzero temperature of the winter season. In addition to the heavy snowfall, the sloping terrain, the remoteness, and potential isolation once lifelines are cut off, the use of natural materials, and the need for energy efficiency... the process of meeting these challenging conditions resulted in a construction that incorporates the most advanced technology and design.

Every detail was carefully considered, from the wood-fiber insulation, triple-glazed windows, and Hinoki construction to the custom hardware and fittings. As part of this process, we were also able to design an all-copper-clad exterior skin with a vertical seam pattern and flashing details. Copper sheet has its own inherent timeline and takes 30 years to reach perfection. In time, it harmonizes with the different seasons until it reaches its final green-blue patina color. The raw orange color of the finished building will be in harmony with the autumn leaves; the austere brown color mass within a few years will assimilate with the soil; and the bright green-blue color in a few decades will blend with the fresh greenery of early summer. While the exterior façade will continue to change, the interior will bring warmth and security to the occupants with an uncompromising attention to detail.

Post-rationalization Analysis Animation: schematic design by Incidental Architecture and Matt Day Architect

Villa K in Snow, 2022-23



Patinaed Villa K in Snow (projection)

Credits / クレジット

統括プリンシパル、PM:キャズ・T・ヨネダ、Bureau 0–1
エグゼキュティブ・アーキテクト、監理建築士:若杉 賢一、Bureau 0–1

Principal, PM: Kaz T. Yoneda, Bureau 0–1
Executive Architect: Ken Wakasugi, Bureau 0–1
Design Architect: Matt Elkan, Matt Day
Structural Engineering: Jun Sato Structural Engineers Co., Ltd
Electrical Engineering & Lighting Design: EOS plus
HVAC Engineering: BE-Link