Gregory Serweta, AIA, NCARB




ニューヨーク州バッファローとマンハッタンを拠点とする建築事務所sp architectureを率いる建築家であり、B01のグローバル・コラボレーター。


これまでOMA New Yorkや藤本壮介建築設計事務所などで米国、日本、中国における設計やマスタープランのプロジェクトに携わってきた。

コーネル大学院にて漫画喫茶に関する修士論文「Homo Luden Ludens: New Babylon Reloaded, Media Immersion Pods in Tokyo, Japan」を執筆。

Global Collaborator

Base: Buffalo, New York

Gregory is B01’s global collaborator based in Manhattan with extensive experiences in Tokyo. 

He is an adjunct instructor in the Department of Architecture at the University at Buffalo, a registered architect leading a multidisciplinary practice based in Buffalo and New York City called sp architecture, and a global collaborator with B01. Previously he has worked in practice on design and master planning projects in the United States, Japan, and China, at firms including OMA New York and Sou Fujimoto Architects.

Gregory wrote his master’s thesis at Cornell University titled Homo Luden Ludens: New Babylon Reloaded, Media Immersion Pods in Tokyo, Japan on manga kissa.

The collaboration projects with B01 have included: Vertical Cemetery: Deathscraper and co-writing Tokyoism's "SOCIETY OF INSATIABLE CONSUMPTION" for Dichotomy 23: Hungry (University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture).