Terrance Lejeté


コミュニケーションズ & アドミン



翻訳実績としては、『長谷川豪・カンバセーションズ~ヨーロッパ建築家と考える現在と歴史』(Lixil出版)、五十嵐太郎著エッセイ「”歴史”の後の新しい建築」(MoMA展Japanese Constellationカタログ)、などがある。

Communications & Administrative Associate

Base: Tokyo

Born in California. Graduated with Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Asian Studies, majoring in Japanese Literature. Having had a long dual fascination with manga culture and design, he came to Japan in 2012. Since then, he has had diverse experiences in wide spectrum of works and industries. While assisting B01 since 2020 in communications and administrative tasks, he also is active as a translator.

Translation works include Go Hasegawa: Conversations with European Architects (Lixil Publishing), Taro Igarashi essay titled “New Architecture after ‘History’“ as part of MoMA Exhibition Japanese Constellation Catalog, to name a few.