B01 would like to offer our deep gratitude for your support and kind cooperation in 2023. We hope that this year will be better and more prosperous for everyone. As we begin this year with anticipation and excitement, let us share some of our New Year’s resolutions.
Villa K in Nozawa, Nagano (photographed by the author)
in collaboration with Matt Elkan and Matt Day
2023 was a productive and equally challenge-filled year for B01. The reopening of borders, escalating economic activities, and impacts of global conflicts have affected various aspects of our daily lives as well as the practice. As last year concluded with the completion of the phase 2 optimization for a villa in Nagano Prefecture, residential renovation project, and greenlight to a residential project in Niigata, the new year has brought about new prospects of diverse projects, which we hope to announce in due time. We intend to take on ambitious projects, both in scale and cultural impact, from planning to design and execution. On another hand, we endeavor to continue developing a publication project, establish business and design partnerships, and last but not the least, cultivation of a new educational platform. We hope that through this journey, we will encounter great friends-yet-to-meet, passionate colleagues, engaging collaborators, and stimulating clients.
Suna Yoneda House, renovation, Hiroshima (photo: Masato Yamaguchi)
We, at B01, enjoy saying out loud these pipe-dreams, unabashed and without reservations. For pipe-dreams may one day become realities. Though through tireless effort alone does this usually happen, it is believed in Japan that uttered words have power, perhaps by the effects of inculcation or autohypnoses. By the virtue of our resolute utterances, may this year be a healthy, creative, and productive year for us all. Thank you for your indulgence, and looking forward to hearing from you wherever, whenever, meeting you in person if possible, working together, and supporting each other in these trying times.
Convertible Cafe Kit
in collaboration with Takram
Thank you for your time and kind attention. Until next time, when we restart the monthly newsletters with original contents!
Author: Kaz T. Yoneda, FRSA
Thank you for your time and kind attention.
Until next time!